Friday, July 29, 2011

Life beneath the iceberg

Among all the habitats inn the world, this is the weirdest habitat I know. An iceberg has 70% of its total volume under water so it is no surprise that icebergs provides homes for many organisms. In this article, Scientist recently found that iceberg deposits iron in the water. Since it is rich in minerals it encourages microscopic plants to grow which will attract herbivores and then attract carnivore, thus creating an ecosystem. The plants will take some carbon from the sea which will in turn remove some carbon in the atmosphere.

This articles show me that nature can crate the toughest of organisms. The plants and animals living in the iceberg have to deal will extremely cold temperatures and prevent them self from freezing. When it comes to surviving in the wild, the animals are definitely better than us humans. There are able to find such a hostile environment and yet thrive. The iceberg is going to melt someday so the habitat is only temporary but nonetheless, the organism still can benefit from the iceberg during the decades as they reproduce and adapt.

Sadly, global warming is melting the icebergs and destroying the habitats of the organisms that live in it. Since the organisms in the iceberg is helping to slow down global warming by taking in carbon, if they die the rate that the icebergs are melting will increase. So in short, global warming will cause more global warming. So as humans, we should do our best to stop global warming and preserve this unique habitat and creature before they are extinct

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Macritchie Reservoir Trip

The Macritchie trip was a very educational trip and different from other trips to Macritchie which is mainly for recreation. On this trip, I learned more about the biodiversity of Macritchie and some of the wildlife like the monkeys. I also learnt about analysing the environment and how organism manage to adapt and survive in this environment. I also found out about some of the ways that water are collected and used. I also noticed some of the consequences when human get too close to the animals. The monkeys in the park are actually trespassing people's homes near the park and the monkeys have no fear of humans. On the whole, the trip was quite fruitful as I get to have a deeper understanding about living things and their environment.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Term 2 Reflection

In term 2, I learnt about biology which focuses on the human reproductive system and ecology. The topics was interesting and the notes given by my teacher was also fairly easy to digest.

Learning about the human reproductive system was difficult at first as we found that it was quite "funny" that we are studying both sex's reproductive system. As the topic moved on, I got used to it and it also allowed me to see the reproductive system from a scientific point of view rather than a childish way. It also let understand more about the human body. What I find that is amazing is the way that human can create life from just two small cells. I also learned what hormones are and its effect on the human body. It surprised me at first when I found out that it is this chemicals that are helping reproduction and pregnancy.

We also learnt about ecology and the relationships of organisms with one another. The food web is one very intriguing system as it acts similarly to a human body. If a animal in the food web disappears, the whole food web will be affected by its disappearance and ultimately causing the whole system to collapse. Just like the human body when its missing a organ, the whole body will become weaker and ultimately death. I also learnt about the relationships with other animals and their ways of survival by depending on other organism.

Overall, this term's topics are quite easy to understand and it also allow me to learn more about my self and the environment around me.